Monday, January 8, 2007


One of my favorite things to do was to just people watch out the bus window. It's hard to imagine what the life is really like. It's easy to gaze from the bus....

Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Day two brought us up close and personal with Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia (Deputy Chairman). This was especially interesting because it gave us some insight into how the government thinks about India, it's people and future. This would help give some insight into the politics of India and how they might play out for business in India. It's also kind of comical to me that our meeting with Mr. Ahluwalia was with a much higher governmental position than I have ever met in the US. The major dichotomy here was how does the government do what is right in spite of the political pressures to do the opposite.
This was the first time it struck me that the servers (tea & cookies) were very obtrusive to the meeting. They even interrupted the Chairman when he was speaking to ask if he wanted a tea. It didn't appear they were doing so on purpose, it seemed to be culturally acceptable.